One of our class sessions on #Class124- Homeboyz Radio took us to a dark place as hustlers. But we needed to go there so we don’t give up when we find ourselves there in real life. We were discussing startups (basically new businesses, on the smaller scale side of life) and what to expect when starting out. The bad and the ugly. So let’s jump in shall we?
1. Setting Up Shop.
But where? We know what things to consider when setting up a physical location for your start up and that’s all well and dandy in theory but finding that location on YOUR BUDGET won’t be so easy. Ask yourself, is it absolutely necessary to get that space NOW? If it is, take the time to ask around, go online and ask. Ask and back it up with the tarmac-ing. I’m at this point by the way. Not easy and time consuming!
2. Who Are You Again?
Expect this question over and over again when introducing yourself to potential clients. Never take it personally that they don’t know you. Because they really don’t! So use all avenues at your disposal to get your name out there. Remember you are ”NEW to the neighborhood” so go to the customers. Don’t expect them to come to you.
3. Lack Of Confidence And Trust.
You are young, probably a one man army and are telling your potential client that yes you are a new business (because they asked and you can’t lie! Crap!) You see their expression change and now they are saying they don’t think you can deliver.
“But you’re so young!”
“Isn’t this a big order for a startup? Can you handle it?”
“Can’t I deal with someone else who is more…experienced?”
Instead of being upset, (and I can understand that these questions can get to you, they get to me too…) re- assure them that you are up to the challenge and where you lacking experience you make up for it in being a fast learner and have good connections.
4. Money Issues.
Oh. Expect these. I choose to look at it this way. Every start up has been through this and is nothing strange or new. Figure out your options. Will you reach out to family and friends for a loan (and make sure you pay it back! Not just in shillings but also other forms of value). Maybe a bank loan is also a way out? Find out your options and what you can handle and go with that.
5. Not having a clue.
So you have a great business idea and go ahead to register it. You get your certificate and you have NO CLUE where to begin and run with your business! Actually, you should have thought about all this before you registered the company but we here now! What to do? Google is your friend! Reach out to other entrepreneurs who have made it or are making it and follow suit. From there, PRAY. Lol.
It’s not all gloom with start up’s, but it’s a lot of work and sleepless night. Say goodbye to extravagant spending and welcome a more… humble life? Hahaha! All will be well with dedication and discipline.
What is your own fear/experience as a new entrepreneur? Let’s talk.
ALSO check out some of my startup hurdles HERE!
Love. Live. Learn.
Mwalimu Rachel.