I don’t know about the people who host your website – if you have one, but I count myself lucky to have
LegibraYou are probably rolling your eyes thinking to yourself “Ah! This is just a plug in for these guys. Huyu Mwalimu amelipwa” and I wouldn’t blame you in thinking so. If you believe me that I am indeed speaking from the heart as I write this, good! If not, fair enough. Just read on.
I first knew about Legibra when this website got hacked. Yaani! The whole deal. Some terrorist group had blocked anything I could do, with a pop up saying “DEATH TO THE INFIDELS!” Friends, I was shaking. I sat there thinking it was all over. Kwanza CID would come for me and say I am part of the gang. Weeh! Stress. Then I remembered a pal of mine who did ‘website stuff’ (lol!) and reached out. He calmed me down and told me he would work on it and get back.
“Had you backed up your website by any chance?” He asked.
ME: “Huh? You can back up a website?? GAI!” 😲 😲
Flash forward to just a day later when this friend called Kagai the co-founder and Chief Technology Officer at Legibra, called me up to tell me the issue had been resolved and asked my why my site looked, well…not attractive. Haha! He asked if his company could redesign and host my website. I told him to go ahead. The result of that is what we have here today; mwalimurachel.com. I love my site.

When my company was formed and needed a website whom did I go to? Legibra. They don’t just design and host your website. They make you look good. They send you news letters on how to increase traffic to your site. For free. They train you and your team on how to operate on the back end of your site.For Free. As in…eish. Theres more! They give you a MANUAL for the backend operations of your site! A MANUAL guys! FOR FREE! Like where they do that at?? MIND=BLOWN.Meaning they are empowering you to take charge of your site, to add or change the things you want later on instead of always running to the ‘doctor’. I for one LOVE to be in control.
Another thing I love is security. Naturally after my website was hacked back in the day I have been extra cautious about security. Legibra told me they have 3 layers of security. The first being from wordpress, second from the SSL (usiniulize details please, I don’t speak geek -jua tu ni poa!) And the third is within their servers. They have also been gracious enough to let me shoot my YouTube videos at their premises and ma gaaaaad that place is just beautiful! I would ditch my team to work at their space… ni vile tu nalipa rent huko kwetu. Lol!
So there you have it. It was high time I gave a proper shout out to the awesome young men and women at Legibra. Thank you guys for being different. Thank you for going the extra mile.
You are not just about web design and hosting.
You want us to thrive.
Mwalimu Rachel
-Africa’s Finest-💋
Hapo tu umeplug…lakini chini ya maji
Thanks for the info