Remember how my Centonomy journey started? When I was all confused and overwhelmed? Click here! to read all about that… In a nut shell, Centonomy is all about personal financial freedom. In 2015, I undertook the 11 week class and let’s just say, I wasn’t complaining about being broke this January. So let me update you, because a lot has happened since my course on financial freedom. For starters, I graduated! (Yaaaaay!)

Those classes are mind blowing! I then went on to have a free Centonomy open day for 50 of my loyal listeners just before Christmas as my gift to them 🙂 Thank you Centonomy!
Later on in January this year, I was invited by Centonomy to be one of the key speakers at yet another open day, this time around in front of a crowd of more than 2,000 people! The topic was “Getting Out Of TheComfort Zone.” Check out the video HERE!
What an honor that was! I am so thankful to God for his amazing timing that made all this possible. Who knew an unknown girl from Embu would one day stand in front of a multitude? I am still in awe. If you are curious on how to empower your life through managing your finances and wealth creation, I would say take up these classes. They will change your life. They sure changed mine 🙂
Love. Live. Learn.
Mwalimu Rachel