My Diary

Dear Entrepreneur To Be: What Are YOU Afraid Of?

Fear. It can keep you cautious, on your toes, or away from the great things you can achieve. Today’s article speaks to you and I about the importance of forging forward but with understanding that yes, challenges do exist but if we prepare before hand, then we will succeed in this game  war called entrepreneurship. Oh it is a war, against ourselves, systems, competition, you name it!

Challenges We Are Likely To Face:

Capital. Where does the money to start come from?


Well, have you asked other entrepreneurs perhaps doing the same thing you want to embark on? Ask away! Many are eager to share their story and you just never know, they might help you. I know of some who used their savings to start their business, others went to the bank and asked for a loan, others borrowed from family and friends in order to jump start things. So don’t worry, you wont be the first to do so.

Finding The Market. Where are they?

Where are these customers that are supposed to make  you rich huh? Lol! They are there BUT only if you looked for them FIRST. You see, before you start this mission, you’ve got to ask yourself, WHERE IS THE PROBLEM? What are you solving? In other words, the people who complain a lot need to be your best friends. Well sort of. Create a solution to their problems and you will have the market eating out of your hand.

Decision-making. What to do?

You are about to take on a new role of deciding what is best for your business. Decision fatigue is real, and most new entrepreneurs will experience it if they aren’t prepared for the new level of stress. So? Soldier on! Ask other successful business people how they handled similar situations and see how you can apply to yours. Research online on the best course of action, and read books that will help you become a more concise decision maker.

What Business To Start?

In this world where almost everything has been done, where do you start with a business idea? What should one factor in before making a decision? I’d say pick a business that you fully understand and will enjoy. Remember it must solve a problem! Also bear this in mind, it’s not always about coming up with a business no one has, but operating it differently so as to attract more clients.

Loneliness. Really?

Really. An entrepreneur’s life is not rosy especially starting out. It isn’t glamorous, it isn’t fun, it isn’t even predictable. Prepare for this. Say good bye to the club and hello to lots of research. Your friends will reduce in number because you are always “sorting out an issue”. Your own family won’t see much of you because of the hustle; but this too shall pass. So explain to them how demanding this life is and ask for their support. You will also have to make it up to them! That however will have to wait until you get that business off the ground.

I used to fear. Sometimes I still fear that my savings will go down the drain. That I won’t get clients for my company- MRX Media Ltd. But I am not letting that fear cripple me. I am doing what I can to make sure my business is attractive. I have done my homework.

What fears are holding you back from entrepreneurship? Share below and remember:

Love. Live. Learn.

Mwalimu Rachel.

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