Story Book

5 ways you can make confident decisions

Are you tired of doubting yourself when making a decision. It can be annoying when you are indecisive, not only for you but also for anyone waiting on you. Matter of fact, we are encouraged to make confident decisions even when there appears to be risk involved. That is one feature a lot of successful people have.

Mwalimu Rachel recently shared her story about the first time she MC’eed an event. What do you think would have happened if she second-guessed her decision to MC, even when there was a chance that she would be ex-communicated? If you haven’t watched the video, here you go…

Anyway, here are 5 things you do so you make more confident decisions.

Trust yourself

It may feel uncomfortable doing so, but that’s only because you’re on unexplored territory. If this was decision you were familiar with, you wouldn’t hesitate. Remember new experiences present new opportunities for personal growth. Trust that your decision will bring positive results, and even if it doesn’t work out, you will be able to handle the consequences.

Analyse your values

We all have values of some sort – things we would and wouldn’t do, principles that guide how we interact with other people… When faced with a tricky decision, weight the options against your own values. Look at what is important to you, then ask which of the available options lives up to your core values. That way you will always make a decision that is best for you.

Choose positive thoughts

Don’t think “What if I make the wrong decision”.

Instead think “It will all work out. This is an opportunity to learn and grow.”

Trust your Instincts

If have a gut feeling about something, pay attention! Shove away all the “What-Ifs” that are crossing your mind and listen to what your gut is telling you.

Go easy on yourself

It is said that we are our own worst critics. Don’t be too hard on yourself, especially if things don’t turn out like you expected. Life really is full of second chances. Sure you will fall off your “bike” and scrape your knees, but channel the child you used to be – cry, forget about your injury, then get back to riding your bike.


With that said, go forth and conquer the world. Do not second-guess yourself, and do not live in regrets.


Mwalimu’s Sidekick – @MissOlendi



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