Remember the movie by Jim Carrey where he’s put under a sort of a spell and has to say yes to EVERYTHING? I mean EVERY DAMN THING. Very hilarious movie. If you haven’t seen it, please make a point of doing so. In a nut shell it’s a movie that tells us to get out of our comfort zones and just say yes so we can truly live life.
I want to be more of a YES GIRL, diary. Well, not really say yes to every damn thing lol! but be more spontaneous ever so often. With work, family responsibilities, business, public appearances and sometimes doing others a favor, I seem to have lost touch with myself. It’s almost as though if it isn’t for a particular strategic reason, I wont just go out for the hell of it.
Last weekend, (yes, I know diary, this entry is quite late), I decided to test that theory of the YES MAN. I said yes to Friday dinner with my siblings without first saying:
“Aki sijui, kama nita make, a gig may come up last minute”.

I said yes to linking up with my girls in Kitisuru on Sunday even though Sundays are my lazy days. Heck I even said yes to attending a gig later on the same day. I truly lived life that weekend. I felt alive and most importantly, I reconnected.

Last weekend was one of reconnecting. And I am glad I did diary. This weekend though, was chill. Chill enough to think about changing my eating habits. Yup. I have decided.
Love. Live. Learn.
Mwalimu Rachel,
The Yes Girl 😉
I like this post. Serious question though; what’s the name of the movie by Jim Carrey?
Thanks for your feedback Ryan. It’s called YES MAN.
Awwww Flo and Liz with their babies!!!! Awesomeness….Good photos.